Charging a modern forklift battery is precision work as these batteries need to be charged to their specifications in order to deliver the performance you need. You need a good charger to deliver the precision services you need. There are many types of battery chargers, and the new generation are far superior to old-style chargers, in ways that we are excited to explain here.
Types of Forklift Battery Chargers
The types of forklift battery chargers include:
- Standard HF and transformer chargers – The new chargers in these ranges have easy-to-use interfaces, are programmable and deliver different power curves according to your needs.
- Specialised chargers – These chargers include the revolutionary traction batteries, power conversion and new HF chargers with precision charging controls.
- Multi-Frequency Chargers (MFCs) – The MFCs are the latest in forklift battery chargers, offering exceptional efficiencies. They incorporate power vs. speed configurations to manage charging times, built-in safety features, reduced water consumption features and a shopping list of other innovations.
Which Type of Forklift Battery Charger Do You Need?
The right charger will depend on the battery type to a large extent. Big batteries, for example, typically need a highly efficient charging regime. An MFC charger would be ideal for this type of battery, allowing both precision charging and improved efficiencies.
A smaller battery, however, may or may not need too many extra features; however, if you’ve got a brand new forklift, you’re strongly advised to get the best charger possible. These new forklifts are powerful beasts, and they need their power supply to be at its best.
The best way to find the right battery charger is to talk to the experts. You can speak directly to people who understand the issues with charging, and they can provide you with all the practical advice you need.
Having Issues with Your Charging?
Another major positive of talking to forklift battery specialists is getting useful information about battery issues. Do you have a battery that doesn’t seem to be fully charging? Does the battery need too much charging? Are you getting power issues in the forklift operations and you’re not sure if it is a fault of the battery? Is the power cutting in and out?
Problems like these won’t fix themselves. You’ll find that your forklift battery specialists will have an instant solution or an instant idea about what’s causing the problems. It’s a very efficient way of managing core assets like forklift batteries, which are the heart and soul of any forklift business.
Ask Us about Forklift Battery Chargers
If you’re looking for the latest forklift battery chargers on the market, Industrial Batteries has the perfect solution for you. We have new battery chargers with all the new features. Call 1300 877 531 or contact us online and have a chat to our experts about your needs and any charging or power issues. We’ll be happy to help.
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