Blog | Industrial Batteries

Warehouses and Forklifts: Keeping Everything in Check

Written by Industrial Batteries Australia | Jun 15, 2020 10:26:47 PM

Forklifts power warehouses across Australia and the globe but as a business owner you know there’s more to keeping a warehouse running smoothly than keeping your forklift batteries charged.

Our Ceil Power Systems team works with warehouse operators and provides battery and charging solutions to keep them going. We’ve learned a thing or two about both warehouse and forklift management in the process. Here we share a few simple but helpful tips to keep your forklifts, warehouse and team in check.

Regular Cleaning and Maintenance

A clean and organised warehouse is a lot like a well-maintained forklift in many ways. It’s safer to use, delivers better performance and there’s much less chance of something going wrong. Scheduled cleaning and maintenance go a long way in improving operational efficiency and can make a significant difference to the way your warehouse operates.

Safety First

A safe warehouse is a warehouse that operates efficiently and shows its employees that it cares about their welfare. There are many ways that you can prioritise safety in a warehouse:

  • Ensure only licensed staff operate forklifts and other material handling machinery
  • Provide your employees with the required Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)
  • Create a forklift battery charging area with the necessary safety equipment
  • Hold scheduled workplace training sessions
  • Create a Workplace Safety Plan

To provide a safe and efficient warehouse environment, assess your floor and shelf space usage in relation to traffic patterns and building design, and organise for safety. The layout of your warehouse, including the way shelves and containers are placed, goes a long way in creating a safe environment with efficient use of space. It’s possible to maximise profits without compromising the wellbeing of your most important business asset — your people.

Ongoing Training

Even experienced forklift operators need ongoing training to keep in check and, in fact, so do all members of your team, from newbies through to senior management. When it comes to workplace safety, everyone should be involved. Naturally, some workers will require more specific training, like safe forklift battery charging techniques and how to check electrolyte levels and correctly adjust the mixture when levels get too low. However, every member of your team will benefit from ongoing training personally, as will your organisation as a whole.

The Right Suppliers

Working with the right suppliers is a crucial consideration in all industries. For warehouse operators reliant on forklifts and material handling machinery, one of the most crucially important suppliers is their forklift battery and charging solution supplier. Without reliable batteries and charging systems in place and professional repair and maintenance services to keep those systems operating at optimal levels, warehouses are at risk of downtime that can hit the business where it hurts.

Ceil Power Systems proudly provide industry-leading forklift batteries and battery charging solutions for warehouse businesses across Australia. Contact us online or give us a call on 1300 877 531 to speak with a specialist about your battery and charging requirements.